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Mihir is a new Panchayat secretary. Within few days he got a circular which said that he should soon conduct Grama Sabha to finalize the action plan of MGNREGA. Action plan contains the list of works to be undertaken in the villages and their estimated expenditures. This should be decided in the Grama Sabha and the decision of Gram Sabha is immutable.
The Gram Sabha was held and chairman, all elected members, officer in-charge,engineer,  people from villages debated and finally listed important works to be undertaken and the estimated expenditure was decided there itself.
Next, this plan had to be approved in the Panchayat meeting and sent to Tehsil for further approval for sanction of funds. The chairman of Panchayat, who was also a class-I contractor, met Mihir and asked him to manipulate the funds estimates. Even few members who themselves were small time contractors and who had previously used machines in MGNREGA scheme to finish works and draw money, joined Chairman in demanding manipulation of the action plan.
Mihir strongly objected to this. On the day of meeting, which was a closed door meeting inside the Panchayat office,  he was manhandled by some members in the office after he resisted their attempt to snatch the action plan and manipulate it,  and was threatened that if he didn’t act according to their orders, he would be thrashed again and again. Someone outside called the police. But when police arrived, the chairman alleged that Panchayat secretary behaved in an indecent manner with female members hence he was thrashed. Female members seconded this allegation.
Mihir was taken to police station. Police refused to accept his version of the incident, which was true. He was helpless at the moment.
You are his superior officer (BDO). Mihir contacts you and tells you his part of the story. At the same time, Panchayat members narrate their version. How will you proceed from here? -(250 words)


After finishing your IAS probationary training, you have come to visit your 85 year old grandmother who stays in a remote backward village.  You were received with lot of fanfare. At home, grandmother, whom you love most is ecstatic and has made all the arrangements to make you feel comfortable.
There is a steady stream of villagers visiting your home to see  and talk to you. A childhood friend of you, who belongs to a Scheduled Caste, much excited, rushes into the room where you are taking rest.  Your friend and villagers belonging to his caste are still observed as untouchables in the village.
Your grandmother, seeing your friend inside the room sitting next to you, gets very angry and abuses him. She asks him to get out of the home immediately. She accuses him of polluting the home and you. She insults him in front of you.
Your grandmother has committed an offence under section 7(1) of the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955. It is also an offence under SC/ST act 1989.
In this situation, what should you be doing? (250 Words)

Mukul was a hard working policeman. He married a beautiful girl from his village. Both of them stayed in a house at police quarters.
Mukkul’s boss, Sub-Inspector Sandeep was an arrogant and flirtatious officer. He did not treat his subordinates well. He had an eye on Mukul’s wife ever since he first saw her on the day of Mukul’s wedding. His house was in the neighborhood of Mukul’s. Unlike other superior officers, Sandeep often invited Mukul to visit his home with his wife for dinner and to other get together parties. Mukul had noticed that Sandeep was trying to get closer to his wife by making jokes and giving unsolicited advises.
Sandeep denied Mukul any holidays. Mukul was tired of asking for leave so many times and had even mildly protested once. Sandeep wanted Mukul and his wife to stay  at the quarters all the time.
Once Mukul wanted a fifteen days of leave to arrange and look after his only sister’s wedding. He had to go to his native with his family for fifteen days. Mukul officially kept asking for leave two months well before the wedding date itself.  But as expected Sandeep kept refusing him any leave. Just before the scheduled day Mukul had to leave for his native, he once again finally asked Sandeep to grant him leave. Sandeep said that he would grant him leave provided he went alone to the marriage leaving behind his wife in the quarters.
Mukul, agitated, took his loaded rifle and shot the inspector dead. He then surrendered to the police.
Emotional intelligence is must for police officers to work in a stressful and provocative environment. 
Explain how would have been Mukul and Sandeep’s behaviour if they had possessed high emotional intelligence?


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