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19th June – 2019

Future on commodity Indices:

·        Capital markets regulator SEBI today permitted stock exchanges with commodity derivative segment to introduce futures on indices.

·        It has directed the stock exchanges to submit proposal with contract specifications and risk management framework for approval before launching any futures contract on an index.

·        The SEBI directives are in line with recommendations of Commodity Derivatives Advisory Committee.

Sickel Cell Anaemia :

·        The World Sickle Cell Day is being observed on June 19, 2019.

·        Characterized by a modification in the shape of the red blood cell from a smooth, donut-shape into a crescent or half-moon shape.

·        Leads to chronic acute pain syndromes, severe bacterial infections, and necrosis (tissue death).

·        It can be managed by simple procedures including: high fluid intake, healthy diet,Folic acid/Iron supplementation, pain medication,vaccination and antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of infections.

Coringa Mangroves:
·        Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary has the second largest stretch of mangrove forests in India with 24 tree species. 

·        The Andhra Pradesh government has begun the process to get UNESCO’s World Heritage Site status for Godavari Mangroves at Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, near Kakinada.

·        The committee will be headed by IFS officer Dr Shanti Priya Pandey. 

Indian Grey Wolf:

·        The first Indian grey wolf to be seen in Bangladesh in eight decades.

·        Scientific Name: Canis lupus pallipes.

·        The IUCN Redlist considering the wide distribution range of the subspecies has listed it as a species of least concern.

·        The Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 in view of the threats faced by the animal across its range in India places it in Schedule I Part I.


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