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Scheme for Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure under PM SAMPADA


The objective of the Scheme of Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure is to provide integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure facilities, without any break, from the farm gate to the consumer.

Key features 

  • Coverage: The scheme covers creation of infrastructure facility along the entire supply chain viz. pre-cooling, weighing, sorting, grading, waxing facilities at farm level, multi-product/ multi-temperature cold storage, CA storage, packing facility, IQF, blast freezing in the distribution hub and reefer vans, mobile cooling units for facilitating distribution of horticulture, organic produce, marine, dairy, meat, and poultry, etc.
  • The scheme allows flexibility in project planning with special emphasis on the creation of cold chain infrastructure at the farm level.

Eligible organizations/entities 

Integrated cold chain and value addition infrastructure projects can be set up by Partnership/ Proprietorship Firms, Companies, Corporations, Cooperatives, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), NGOs, Central/State PSUs, etc. with business interest in cold chain solutions and also by those who manage supply chain. 

Project components

The scheme aims to facilitate the establishment of a strong cold chain facility for agricultural, horticultural, dairy, fish & marine, poultry & meat products by establishing linkage from farm gate to the consumer, end to end, to reduce losses through efficient storage, transportation, and minimal processing. The different components of the Cold Chain projects are as under:

  • Minimal Processing Centre at the farm level and centres is to have the facility for weighing, sorting, grading waxing, packing,pre-cooling, Control Atmosphere (CA)/ Modified Atmosphere (MA) cold storage, normal storage and Individual Quick Freezing(IQF).
  • Mobile pre-cooling vans and reefer trucks.
  • Distribution hubs with multi products and multi Control Atmosphere (CA)/ Modified Atmosphere(MA) chambers/ cold storage/ Variable Humidity Chambers, Packing facility, Cleaning in Process (CIP) Fog treatment, Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) and blast freezing.
  • Irradiation facility.

Financial Assistance 

Financial assistance (grant-in-aid) under the scheme is limited to a maximum of Rs 10 crore per project in relation to technical civil works and eligible plant & machinery subject to the following:

  • For storage infrastructure including Pack House and Pre-cooling unit, ripening chamber and transport infrastructure, grant-in-aid @ 35% for General Areas and @ 50% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & Islands, of the total cost of plant & machinery and technical civil works will be provided.
  • For value addition and processing infrastructure including frozen storage/ deep freezers associated and integral to the processing, grant-in-aid @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & Islands, will be provided.
  • For irradiation facilities, grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & Islands.


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