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UPSC Prelims_POWER PLAY- MEDIEVAL HISTORY (Ramanuja, Ramananda)


  • In the year 1017 A.D., Ramanuja was born in the village of Perumbudur, about twenty-five miles west of Madras.
  • Ramanuja’s Tamil name was Ilaya Perumal. 
  • Quite early in life, Ramanuja lost his father. 
  • Then he came to Kancheepuram to prosecute his study of the Vedas under one Yadavaprakasha, a teacher of Advaita philosophy.
  • He wrote his commentary on the Brahma Sutras known as the Sri Bhashya. 
  • The Visishtadvaita system is an ancient one. It was expounded by Bodhayana in his Vritti, written about 400 B.C.
  • Ramanuja travelled throughout the length and breadth of India to disseminate the path of devotion. 
  • He visited all the sacred places throughout India including Kashi, Kashmir and Badrinath.

He was born at Allahabad.
Initially he was a follower of Ramanuja.
Later he founded his own sect and preached his principles in Hindi at Banaras and Agra.
Ramananda was the first to employ the vernacular medium to spread his ideas.
He opposed the caste system and chose his disciples from all sections of society
irrespective of caste.

Ramananda’s disciples were:

  • Kabir
  • Raidasa, he was a cobbler
  • Sena, he was a barber
  • Sadhana
  • Dhanna, he was from a Jat farmer
  • Naraharai, he was a goldsmith
  • Pipa, he was a Rajput prince


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