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                   IMP COMMITTEES

Watal Committee
Promotion of cashless economy
BN Srikrisna Committee

to look into aspects of RTP
also on Arbitration improvement
Dhirendra Singh Committee

strategic partnership model- pvt players collaboration with foreign partners for defence manufacturing
Specialised institutes focusing on defence R&D should be set up
Shekatkar Committee

For reforms in armed forces- suggested improving tooth to tail ratio
3% of GDP allocation, against Budget mein 2%

Anil Kakodkar Committee

On Railway Safety

NK Singh

2.5% n 0.8% FD & RD by 2022; 60% debt GDP ratio and a fiscal council, flexibility during boom n slowdown
Kelkar Report

Tax reforms
GST too proposed by him
Public Pvt Partnership reforms
TSR Subramanian Committee

Tasked with drafting new education policy
Remove no detention clause, give 2 chances for promotion to next class
Shah Committee

Emergency excesses, violations of human rights

Kothari Commission
Gave 3 language formula
Sikh Riots
D K Basu Guidelines

Arrest reforms- Human Rights violations are not included

Swaminathan committee

Recommended agricultural overhaul measures
Like SHG, there are marginal & small farmers groups, should be promoted
Organic farming, cooperative farming & diversification towards bee keeping, horticulture, floriculture, ornamental fishery should be promoted as they have higher returns

Nayak committees

Effective Governance in PSB


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