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Showing posts from February, 2020


Digambara school of Jainism Monks of this sect believe in complete nudity. Male monks do not wear clothes while female monks wear unstitched plain white sarees. Follow all five vows (Satya, Ahimsa, Asteya, Aparigraha and Brahmacharya). Digambaras believe that women cannot achieve liberation without first being reborn as a man. This is because: women cannot live a truly ascetic life, because they have to possess clothes since it is impractical for them to live naked women are intrinsically harmful Thats why Digambara images of every Tirthankara are always male, naked, without ornaments, and with downcast eyes Jain sects Jains are divided into two major sects; Digambara (meaning sky clad) sect and  Svetambara (meaning white clad) sect.  Each of these sects is also divided into subgroups. The two sects agree on the basics of Jainism, but disagree on: details of the life of Mahavira the spiritual status of women whether monks should wear clothes ritual

UPSC Prelims_POWER PLAY- MEDIEVAL HISTORY (Ramanuja, Ramananda)

Ramanuja In the year 1017 A.D., Ramanuja was born in the village of Perumbudur, about twenty-five miles west of Madras. Ramanuja’s Tamil name was Ilaya Perumal.  Quite early in life, Ramanuja lost his father.  Then he came to Kancheepuram to prosecute his study of the Vedas under one Yadavaprakasha, a teacher of Advaita philosophy. He wrote his commentary on the Brahma Sutras known as the Sri Bhashya.  The Visishtadvaita system is an ancient one. It was expounded by Bodhayana in his Vritti, written about 400 B.C. Ramanuja travelled throughout the length and breadth of India to disseminate the path of devotion.  He visited all the sacred places throughout India including Kashi, Kashmir and Badrinath. Ramananda He was born at Allahabad. Initially he was a follower of Ramanuja. Later he founded his own sect and preached his principles in Hindi at Banaras and Agra. Ramananda was the first to employ the vernacular medium to spread his ideas. He opposed the caste syst


Arab Invasion in India: Muhammad-bin-Qasim Al-Hajjajj, the Governor of Iraq sent Muhammad-bin-Qasim to India He Conquered Sind with the permission of Caliph Walid Battle of Rewar -Fought between Muhammad-bin-Qasim and Dahir the ruler of Sind Dahir was defeated. Sind and Multan was captured. Muhammad-bin-Qasim called Multan as The City of Gold’ Administrative System Sind and Multan were divided into number of Iqtas or districts by Muhammad-bin- Qasim and Arab military officers headed the Iqtas. The sub-divisions of the districts were administered by the local Hindu Officers. Jizya was imposed on non-Muslims. Muhammad bin Qasim’s Army 25,000 troops with 6000 Camels, 6000 Syrian horses, 3000 Bactrian Camels and an  artillery force with 2000 men, advanced guards, and five catapults. End of Muhammad-bin-Qasim Caliph Walid was succeeded by Caliph Sulaiman. He was an enemy of Al - Hajjaj, the Governor of Iraq. Muhammad-bin Qasim was the son-in-law of Al-Hajjaj,

PRELIMS_ POWER PLAY_ MODERN HISTORY-Major pre-congress campaign

Major pre-congress campaign were For imposition of import duty on cotton (1875) For Indianisation of government service (1878-79) Against Lytton’s Afghan adventure (Hence, Statement 1 is correct) Against Arms Act (1878) Against Vernacular Press Act (1878) For right to join volunteer corps Against plantation labour and against Inland Emigration Act In support of Ilbert Bill  For an All India Fund for Political Agitation Campaign in Britain to vote for pro-India party

Prelims_Power Play _Medieval History-Administration under the Delhi Sultanate

Administration under the Delhi Sultanate The Delhi Sultanate period extended from 1206 A.D. to 1526 A.D. for almost 320 years. The administration was based on Islamic laws (Sharia). A Theocratic and a Military State. Ministers to Sultan Wazir -Prime Minister and Finance Minister Diwani-I-Risalt - Foreign Affairs Minister Sadr-us-Suddar - Minister of Islamic Law Diwan-I-lnsha -Correspondence Minister Diwan-I-Ariz -Defence or War Minister Qazi-ul-quzar -Minister of Justice Central Administration The Sultan was the head of the empire. He possessed vast powers. Also other officials were appointed to take care of the administration. Provincial Administration The empire was divided into a number of Iqtas. Iqtadars administered the Iqtas   Iqtas further were divided into smaller units called Parganas, Shiqqs , and the villages. Amil or Munsif -an important official of the Pargana. Local Administration The village was the smallest unit of administr


                   IMP COMMITTEES Name AIM Watal Committee Promotion of cashless economy BN Srikrisna Committee to look into aspects of RTP also on Arbitration improvement Dhirendra Singh Committee strategic partnership model- pvt players collaboration with foreign partners for defence manufacturing Specialised institutes focusing on defence R&D should be set up Shekatkar Committee For reforms in armed forces- suggested improving tooth to tail ratio 3% of GDP allocation, against Budget mein 2% Anil Kakodkar Committee On Railway Safety NK Singh New FRBM 2.5% n 0.8% FD & RD by 2022; 60% debt GDP ratio and a fiscal council, flexibility during boom n slowdown Kelkar Report Tax reforms GST too proposed by him Public Pvt Partnership reforms TSR Subram

Prelims_POWER PLAY_Imp International Treaties

Missile Technology Control Regime The Missile Technology Control Regime ( MTCR ) is an informal and voluntary partnership between 34 countries to prevent the p roliferation of missile and u nmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying a 500 kg payload at least 300 km. Est: 1987 Treaty Year Parties Provisions Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 1972 US-Soviet Union To limit ABM systems used in defending areas against missile delivered nuclear weapons US unilaterally withdrew in 2002 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) 1996/Not in force Will come into force 180 days after it is ratified by all 44 annex 2 countries. India, US, Pakistan, Israel are Annex 2 countries. India, Pak, N. Korea havnt signed Partial Test Ban Treaty 1963 Banned nuclear tests in atmosphere, underwater and in space. NPT 1968/1970 189 Major non-parties: India, Pak

Prelims Power Play- Art and Culture

Most Famous Festivals in North East India Festivals in North East India flaunt its rich culture. Most of the festivals here are either related to agriculture, Buddhism or beginning of a New Year. There are many festivals that extend over a number of days and include folk/tribal dance and music. These festivals also present a wonderful opportunity for the people belonging to different tribes to bond. The sumptuous delicacies, interesting costumes, soulful music, warm hospitality and the lively ambiance give one enough reasons to be a part of the festivity in the North East. Losar, Arunachal Pradesh Losar is a major festival in Arunachal Pradesh as it marks the Tibetan New Year. Tribes like Monpa, Sherdukpens, Memba, Khamba and Nah following the Mahayana sect of Buddhism celebrate this festival with all pomp. This three-day festival begins on February 11 each year. On the first day of the festival, the priests make offering to the highest priest called the Dharmapala or Pal