Workplace Sexual Harassment 1.Women covered under the act 2.Definition of Workplace 3.Sexual Harassment at Workplace 4.Keys elements of work place harassment 5.Impact of Inappropriate behaviour 6.Examples 7.Forms of Sexual Harassmen t The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 addresses the issue of workplace sexual harassment faced by women. Women covered under the Act The Act recognizes the right of every woman to a safe and secure workplace environment irrespective of her age or employment/work status. Hence, the right of all women working or visiting any workplace whether in the capacity of regular, temporary, adhoc, or daily wages basis is protected under the Act. It includes all women whether engaged directly or through an agent including a contractor, with or without the knowledge of the principal employer.They may be working for remuneration, on a voluntary basis or otherwise. Their t...
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