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Five All India Surveys of Labour Bureau


Five All India Surveys of Labour Bureau

The Labour Bureau has recently been tasked with five major All India Surveys by the Government of India. 

Five All India Surveys of Labour Bureau 

  • The five surveys are 
    • All-India Survey of Migrant Workers, 
    • All-India Survey on Domestic Workers, 
    • All-India Survey on Employment generated in Transport Sector, 
    • All-India Survey of Employment Generated by Professionals,
    • All-India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey (AQEES).
  •  These surveys have been developed and designed by the Labour Bureau under the technical guidance of an expert group chaired by Prof S. P. Mukherjee and co-chaired by Dr Amitabh Kundu.
  • The five surveys have been worked upon simultaneously and will be launched in a phased manner keeping in mind the constraints arising from pandemic. 
  • The first surveys to be launched are the All-India Survey of Migrant Workers and All-India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey (AQEES). 
  • These surveys will be path breaking in their “Paperless” data collection approach due to use of tablet PCs in the field work, these tablets are equipped with latest software application. 
  • The Labour Bureau is being aided by BECIL, under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to provide IT support.
  •  These surveys will be conducted in major regional languages. 

 Objectives Of Five survey

  1. All-India Survey of Migrant Workers: To study the kind of employment related migration undertaken by workers, the details of working and living conditions faced by them and impact of COVID 19 on their world of work.
  2. All-India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey (AQEES): The survey would provide the employment estimates for establishments employing 10 or more workers as well as those with employing 9 or less workers. This highly useful establishment based survey will provide crucial data on the changes in employment situation across the selected sectors on a quarterly basis.
  3. All-India Survey on Domestic Workers: The survey will be instrumental in estimating the number of domestic workers in the country for the first time ever. Some additional specific objectives are to collect data on incidence and characteristics of households with domestic workers and the average number of domestic workers engaged by different types of households.
  4. All-India Survey on Employment generated in Transport Sector: Estimates for employment generated in the transportation sector in the country will be generated using this survey.
  5. All-India Survey of Employment Generated by Professionals: The survey will help in the estimation of employment generated by professions such as lawyers, medical professionals, cost accountants and chartered accountants.


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